Messiah in America


Step into a world transformed by faith with Messiah in America—an awe-inspiring new production from Millennial® Choirs & Orchestras, featuring a powerful original score by Billboard chart-topping composer Brett Stewart. This sacred story of divine love, unbreakable faith, and the dawn of a new covenant portrays Christ’s visit to the Americas as He brings His message of hope, unity, and everlasting peace to His people.

With a full stage set evoking the rich landscapes and ancient architecture of the period, Messiah in America will transport audiences into a sacred moment in time. Imagine hundreds of youth gathered together on stage, singing words of eternal power as they surround the Savior’s feet: “And it came to pass that the multitude went forth… and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands… that it was He, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.” Stewart’s breathtaking compositions, paired with stunning visual storytelling, will capture the beauty and gravity of this sacred moment.

Prepare to be captivated by Messiah in America as it takes the nation by storm! With 21 electrifying performances, this extraordinary production features MCO’s acclaimed choirs and orchestras, the celebrated vocal trio GENTRI, and a stellar cast of talented actors. This monumental production will inspire audience members and participants nationwide, sharing Christ’s love and vision of “one fold and one shepherd.”

GENTRI - Messiah in America


Casey Elliott
Casey Elliott
Brad Robins
Brad Robins
Bradley Quinn Lever
Bradley Quinn Lever
Stephen Nelson
Stephen Nelson
Hillary Haynie
Hillary Haynie
Monroe Bowcutt
Monroe Bowcutt
Children and Youth
Grand Chorus
Symphony Orchestra


Brett Stewart
Composer, Director
Brett Stewart
Brandon Stewart
Brandon Stewart
Kristi Ward
Kristi Ward
Bruce Richardson
Meredith Evans
Production Manager
Meredith Evans
Jennifer Reed
Stage Manager
Jennifer Reed
Jennifer Erickson
Jennifer Erickson
Steve Porter
Set Designer
Steve Porter
Jason Graham
Sound Designer
Jason Graham
Rochelle Barton
Acting Director and Choreographer
Rochelle Barton
Diane Christensen
Acting Director
Diane Christensen
Joseph Walls
Lighting Designer
Joseph Walls
Jon Ontiveros
Associate Lighting Designer
Jon Ontiveros
Dennis Wright
Special Costume Designer
Dennis Wright
Liz Porter
Costume Designer
Liz Porter
Melissa Tyler
Costume Designer
Melissa Tyler
Chemain Evans
Music Editor
Chemain Evans
Chris Martin
Audio Engineer
Chris Martin
Emilie Ronhaar
Hair & Make-up Designer
Emilie Ronhaar
Nat Reed
Technical Director
Nat Reed


Estimated Run Time: 1 hr 30 mins


Brett Stewart


Bruce Richardson


A dynamic stage adaptation begins in Jerusalem around A.D. 30 when Jesus Christ prophesies, “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold,” hinting at His future ministry to those beyond Jerusalem. Meanwhile, in the Americas around A.D. 22, some of those “other sheep” are engaged in conflict with a violent and secretive band of robbers. These Nephite and Lamanite civilizations—descendants of the prophet Lehi—unite in faith and succeed in defeating their enemies. They break out into song and express joy as they praise God for deliverance.


Despite their righteous victory, peace is short-lived. Satan gains great influence, puffing them up with pride and tempting them to seek power and riches. Wickedness soon tears the people apart, dividing them into tribes and destroying the government. A devastating storm sweeps across the land, sinking cities and destroying highways. Fires, earthquakes, and floods ravage the earth, and a thick, impenetrable darkness falls over the earth. The survivors mourn, lament, and beg for forgiveness for their sins.


Unexpectedly, the people hear a voice piercing through the darkness. It is Jesus Christ, inviting them to repent and return to Him to be healed. After three days, light returns to the land, and the mourning, weeping, and wailing turns into joy, praise and thanksgiving to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer.


The people gather around the temple, talking about what has happened. They hear a soft voice that touches their souls, saying, “Behold, this is my Beloved Son… Hear ye Him.” Suddenly, Jesus Christ descends from heaven, clothed in white. With His hands outstretched, He declares Himself to be the light and the life of the world. Overcome with awe, they all fall to the ground. Jesus invites them to come forward, one by one, and they feel the nail prints of their promised Savior.


Jesus looks around and is filled with compassion and love. He blesses the people and prays to the Father for them. Words cannot describe what they hear and see, and the multitude feels incomprehensible joy. While blessing the children, angels descend from heaven and surround the little ones in glory. The people rejoice and unite in worship and cry out “Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God!” They honor the exalted Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel, who has come to gather and bless His people.


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